Tip of the Day #43: Make Seating Assignments a Cinch
Tip of the Day #43: Make Seating Assignments a Cinch Today's tip comes from my favorite resource, Pinterest. One fellow pinner posted this genius idea for figuring out seating assignments for a wedding reception. Those who know me well are all too familiar with my color coding obsession. Calendars, folders, pens, you name it. By using color coded sticky tabs to assign guests to tables, it is much easier to decipher where guests should logically be placed.
Once you have created your wedding reception "map" and are satisfied with the location of all guests, create a spreadsheet detailing each guest's table location and be sure to plan to accommodate no-shows and last minute additions. Insert a column in the spreadsheet noting the guest's relationship to the bride and/or groom to keep table numbers in check. As always, color coding will help to visualize the layout.
Do not underestimate the power of strategic seating. If you have single friends that you think may hit it off, play matchmaker and put them at the same table but also be wary of creating a "singles" table which may make your friends feel ostracized and uncomfortable. Similarly, place you and your groom's business contacts with other professional relationships but throw in a wild card guest or two to mix up the conversation at the table. It is also important to be mindful of sour relationships between wedding guests. Although most brides and grooms do not spend more than fifteen minutes sitting down at their reception table, make your seating space special and recognizable so that guests can seek you out to give their well wishes during the reception.